Tibetan Yoga and Meditation Practices for Serenity and Transformation

An 8-week series with  Lama Tashi, a highly qualified teacher and Geshe (Ph.D. equivalent) of H.H. the Dalai Lama’s Drepung Loseling Monastery

Thursday evenings from 7:00 – 8:30pm at the Friends Quaker Meeting House (1104 Forest St.):

  • October 5, 12, 19, and 26
  • November 2, 9, 16, and 30 (no session on Thanksgiving)

Background and Overview of the Series

In the Tibetan Buddhist tradition, yoga is not solely focused on physical postures, as it is commonly understood in the West. Rather, “yoga” in the Tibetan context refers to a diverse array of physical, mental, and spiritual practices designed to purify and expand the mind, awaken our innate wisdom and compassion, and aid us on our paths toward spiritual transformation and enlightenment.

The alchemical and time-tested yogic practices from the Tibetan Buddhist tradition are transmitted within the context of a lineage by qualified teachers, such as Lama Tashi, to ensure the integrity and authenticity of these methods and practitioners’ safety. Since these profound practices are rarely taught in the West, we have a special opportunity here in Charlottesville to properly learn these powerful methods for harmonizing the body, mind, and energy system– under the careful guidance of a highly qualified teacher.

Lama Tashi will teach us physical movements, breath control (pranayama) practices, visualizations, and meditation techniques that are described in Mastering Meditation by His Eminence Chöden Rinpoché–  one of the greatest meditation masters of the modern age, an accomplished yogi who spent 19 years in solitary retreat, and a celebrated scholar who was honored by selection as a debate partner to H.H.the Dalai Lama.


In this weekly series on Thursday evenings from October – November 2023, Lama Tashi will guide us in:

  1. Physical movements to make the body supple and align the channels (nadis) and energy centers (chakras), so that subtle energy (prana) can flow optimally and clearly. These are not your typical Hatha yoga postures (asanas)! Some will be quite forceful, such as “throwing up and down of binding Vajra Mudra” and “spinning like a machine,” but rest assured that Lama Tashi will guide us skillfully, based on our own capacities.
  2. Breathing techniques designed to balance the right and left energy channels, pacify the mind, and attune the subtle energy system. These techniques will include visualizing and clearing the three channels, the nine circles of breathing, and breath-holding practices.
  3. Foundational calm-abiding (shamatha) meditation practices to help the mind return to single-pointed clarity and lucidity. Lama Tashi will cover preparation and prerequisites for calm-abiding meditation, the seven-fold meditation posture of Buddha Vairochana, selection of an external or internal object of meditation, and how to prepare for more advanced practices within the Vajrayana (tantric) tradition.

Lasso the wandering elephant of mental consciousness with the rope of mindfulness. Bind it to the post that is the object of meditation, and tame it with the discipline of introspection.  -Acharya Gyana Garbha, translated by Lama Tashi

Schedule and Registration

While greater benefit will be obtained by attending all 8 sessions, it is possible to attend individual sessions by clicking on the session dates listed below. A 25% discount is available to those who register for the entire series. Please note: the Oct. 5th session will include an overview of the series.

Jefferson Tibetan Society, a 501(c)(3) non-profit educational foundation, is offering a tiered registration structure to make these profound teachings as available as possible. The “Standard” tier is for those who can cover the basic costs of offering this event, and the “Benefactor” level is for those with the desire and financial means to provide support for those with limited financial resources and to assist Jefferson Tibetan Society in sponsoring Lama Tashi and this Dharma offering. 

  • Registration for individual sessions: $20 Standard/ $30 Benefactor
  • Registration for the 8-session series: $120 Standard/ $180 Benefactor (includes 25% discount)

This series will be held at the Friends Quaker Meeting House (1104 Forest St, Charlottesville) from 7:00-8:30 pm on Thursday evenings:

Advance registration is strongly encouraged; walk-ins are welcome. No one will be turned away for lack of funds. Please email us with questions or if financial constraints are a barrier to your participation. We look forward to seeing you!

How to Register

Send an email to JTS108Va@gmail.com, indicating the level you are registering for (Standard or Benefactor).  Please indicate the names of each person you are registering for.  Payment can then be made by:

  1. Sending a check to Jefferson Tibetan Society, P.O. Box 874, Charlottesville, Va. 22902 or
  2. Sending your registration fee through PayPal by using our e-mail address:  JTS108Va@gmail.com, the PayPal QR code below, or the PayPal donate button.

If you prefer to pay by credit card, register with the “Tickets” option below using Stripe as the payment method.







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