35 events found.
This session is part of an 8-session series on Tibetan Yoga and Meditation Practices for Serenity and Transformation. Click here to learn more about the series. While greater benefit will be obtained by attending all 8 sessions, it is possible to attend individual sessions. A 25% discount is available to those who register for the entire series. In […]
On Sunday, December 3 from 3 – 4:30 pm at the Center at Belvedere, join Lama Tashi, Grammy Award-nominated multiphonic chant master and Geshe (PhD equivalent) of H.H. the Dalai Lama’s Drepung Loseling Monastery, for the second session in his “A Sacred and Sound Approach to Happiness” series. The final session in Lama Tashi's "A Sacred and Sound Approach […]
Join Lama Tashi in a Lama Tsongkhapa Day Celebration with a tsog puja at Friends Quaker Meeting House, Charlottesville. Please bring fruit, cookies, crackers & other edibles or flowers for the altar for this celebration. All are welcome. Open Donation. (Visit our Support & Connect With Us page to learn how to make a donation).
Join a JTS Community Gathering with Lama Tashi at the Center for Belvedere, Conf. Rm A for informal discussion & question/answers followed by a vegetarian potluck. Bring your questions from the different sessions that Lama Tashi has offered. Please let us know at JTS108Va@gmail.com if you are able to join for the potluck so we […]
Lama Tashi will be giving an overview of what's involved in taking formal refuge vows in the Buddha, Dharma and Sangha, the Three Jewels of Buddhism. Bring your questions. For those who then wish to take the formal vows, we will collect names and find a mutually accessible time for the group, before Lama Tashi […]
Jefferson Tibetan Society, in partnership with Unity, presents a special musical program with Lama Tashi that involves Tibetan mantras with Lama Tashi's chanting, in combination with Western instruments. These are traditional tunes from his Himalayan home region of Arunachal Pradesh in India, where as a child he participated in the community gatherings to celebrate a […]