Tag: Lama Tashi

Embracing the Transition: Tibetan Buddhist Perspectives on Death and Dying with Lama Tashi
Saturday, November 23rd, 10:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Co-sponsored by The Jefferson Tibetan Society and Unity of Charlottesville
Location: the Unity Sanctuary, 2825 Hydraulic Circle, Charlottesville
This daylong retreat will delve into the rich and profound teachings of Tibetan Buddhism regarding death and the dying process. It aims to provide attendees with a deeper understanding of how the Tibetan Buddhist view can help prepare us for this inevitable part of life.
We are excited that Lama Tashi has agreed to talk about this Buddhist perspective on death and dying. Unique among all the world’s wisdom traditions, Tibetan Buddhism offers not only a kind of guidebook to the dying process, The Tibetan Book of the Dead, it also offers insight into the psychological fears we may have anticipating the end of our life.
The teachings also help us understand the Buddhist view of karma and reincarnation, and the hopeful message that one’s Buddha nature never dies, no matter how many incarnations we go through, and that even in death we can continue to evolve towards enlightenment. Additionally, many Tibetan lamas are trained in the meditations, prayers and ceremonies designed to help an individual make the transition through the bardo as effortlessly as possible. Many Westerners engaged with Tibetan Buddhism report feeling enormously relieved upon knowing their loved one was receiving such support.
The day will cover these key points:
Understanding the Bardo
- Explanation of the bardo, the intermediate state between death and rebirth, as well as the bardos of this life.
- Insights from The Tibetan Book of the Dead (Bardo Thodol) on navigating the bardo with awareness and compassion.
The Nature of Mind, Impermanence and Karma:
- Teachings on the impermanent nature of life and the continuity of consciousness.
- Benefits of increasing our awareness of karma and practices to cultivate a calm and clear mind, essential for facing death with equanimity.
Meditation and Visualization Practices:
- Guided meditations to develop mindfulness and compassion.
- Visualization techniques to prepare for the bardo and support the dying process.
Chanting, Prayers and Rituals:
- The role of mantras, prayers and rituals in aiding the transition through death.
- How these practices can support both the dying and their loved ones.
Compassionate Care for the Dying:
- Approaches to providing compassionate care and support to those nearing the end of life.
- Practical advice for caregivers and family members.
There will be a one-hour lunch break. Please note that this is a change from the original schedule. Participants are welcome to bring a packed lunch to eat in the dining room. Tea and coffee will be provided for lunch.
Advance Registration is Requested using the “Get Tickets” button below.
Email JTS108Va@gmail.com with any questions.

Protection and Transformative Power: An Afternoon Retreat with Lama Tashi
Join us for an afternoon retreat as Lama Tashi guides us in the powerful practices of Tara and Vajrapani. A beloved deity in the Tibetan Buddhist lineage, Tara offers support in times of need and swift protection from fears. Vajrapani, in complement, represents our ability to cultivate inner strength and transform our challenging emotions into compassionate energy. Taken together, the practices of these two deities offer tremendous potential through our journeys at this very moment.
This retreat will take place at the Bridge Between the Worlds retreat center from 1pm to 5pm on November 2nd. During this time, Lama Tashi will share stories and guide us through meditations with visualization and mantra, as we explore the practices of these two deities. Please see the details below for registration.

Heart Sutra Practice and Teachings with Lama Tashi
Lama Tashi will share his multiphonic chanting and guide a group recitation of the Heart Sutra, the best-known practice text of Mahayana Buddhism, and provide teachings on this practice. As part of the larger ancient Prajnaparamita (perfection of wisdom) Sutras, the Heart Sutra’s deep and profound meaning is practiced and studied in order to embody the brilliance of wisdom and compassion, which is beyond all words.
Copies of the Sutra will be provided for those who wish to join in the recitation.